• Patent Ductus Arteriosus
    • Small PDA with continuous left to right shunting
    • Trivial pulmonary regurgitation (narrow red central jet at the site of the pulmonary valve annulus)

Echocardiographic Assessment: Parasternal Long Axis

  • PDA diameter (2D and color Doppler)
    • measurement of the 2D diameter of the PDA at its narrowest point, usually at the pulmonary end 
  • Direction of PDA shunting by color and spectral Doppler (left to right, right to left, bidirectional)
  • PDA peak velocity

  • Left sternal border
  • 3rd or 4th intercostal space
  • Notch pointed towards the patient's right shoulder (11 o'clock)
  • Angle transducer anteriorly towards patient's left shoulder (tilt tail of transducer down)