Echocardiographic Assessment: Apical 4 Chamber
- Assess for presence of left atrial membrane and membrane morphology (location, size, single opening/fenestrated by 2D and color Doppler)
- Assess mean gradient across the membrane (pulse and continuous wave spectral Doppler)
- Left atrial size
- Mitral valve (stenosis, regurgitation by 2D, color and spectral Doppler)
- Pulmonary venous return into chamber above membrane (2D and spectral Doppler)
- Assessment for pulmonary hypertension (tricuspid regurgitation by color and spectral Doppler with TR jet to assess RV systolic pressures)

- Transducer placed on apical PMI (4th or 5th intercostal space)
- Midclavicular line at the apical PMI (point of maximal intensity)
- Notch at 3 o'clock