- Echocardiographic Assessment: Parasternal Short Axis (Pulmonary Valve)
- Assess the pulmonary valve for dysplasia (leaflet morphology, excursion, hypoplasia, tethering)
- Assess main pulmonary artery (hypoplasia, post-stenotic dilation in case of valvar PS)
- Assess branch pulmonary arteries (size, stenosis)
- Assess for pulmonary stenosis or regurgitation (color and spectral Doppler pulse wave and continuous wave Doppler) at the subvalvar, valvar, supravalvar level and interrogate branch pulmonary arteries

- Left sternal border
- 3rd or 4th intercostal space
- Notch pointing towards the left shoulder (1-2 o'clock)
- Transducer tilted superiorly and medially