• Pulmonary Stenosis
    • Bowing of interventricular septum into the left ventricle in systole consistent with systemic to suprasystemic RV pressures in patient with pulmonary valve stenosis
    • Mild RVH
    • Normal biventricular systolic function
  • Echocardiographic Assessment: Parasternal Short Axis (Ventricles)
    • Evaluate for RVH/LVH
    • Evaluate RV and LV systolic function
    • Evaluate interventricular septal configuration (systolic flattening = pressure loaded RV)
      • Bowing or pancaking of septum into LV in systole consistent with systemic to suprasystemic PA pressures

  • Transducer at left sternal border
  • Notch pointed towards patient's left shoulder
  • Probe angled inferiorly (tail up)